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Understand Your Learning Style to Succeed in Your Exams

Quipperian, have you ever wondered why you felt more comfortable learning in a certain way? Let’s say that you feel easier when you learn by reading materials, while one of your classmates finds learning more enjoyable when listening to explanations. This is because each person has their own learning style. Learning style is unique. Therefore, it may be different to everyone. It may refer to their preferred way of absorbing, processing, and comprehending information. Understanding your own learning style is crucial in maintaining your study progress and passing your exams. However, in the age of digital learning, the need to know about learning styles may not be addressed at schools. That is why this article will tell you how to comprehend your own learning style and utilize it to succeed in your exams!

There are three general learning styles, namely visual, auditory and kinesthetic. When studying, you can combine these different styles. However, everyone has their own dominant style to optimally retain information and succeed in their study. Teachers also need to consider these learning styles when teaching so that their students can effectively absorb the materials. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to teaching and learning, but knowing the different learning styles may help teachers present materials and students learn better. These are the explanations on the various learning styles and how you can use it to succeed in exams.

1. Visual learning style

Someone who has a visual learning style tends to absorb, organize, and process information through the sense of sight or by seeing visual aides. Visual learners usually remember what is seen more than what is heard. They learn materials by reading and making notes or summaries. They are also detailed long-term planners and organizers.

If you are a visual learner, please do not hesitate to always carry a notebook wherever you go so that you can write down whatever is on your mind. You find it easy to retain information when it is presented to you in a graphic depiction, such as arrows, charts, and diagrams.This is why you should create a concept map when studying using bold symbols and colors. You should imagine every material that you study in your own head and master the skills of effective note-taking techniques. Learning using Quipper Video will help you immensely because you will get to watch engaging videos that visualize the learning materials in a fun way.

2. Auditory learning style

People who have an auditory learning style tend to process information through the sense of hearing. Therefore, they need a conducive learning environment because it is difficult for them to absorb information in the middle of a commotion. Auditory learners, also referred to as aural learners, prefer to listen to information that is presented to them vocally. They enjoy attending lectures or seminars and tend to be lazy when it comes to taking notes.

As an auditory learner, it may be best for you to conduct a study group. This is because you like to have discussions and explain things at length. You also tend to be fluent speakers and great orators. You find it hard to write, but you excel at storytelling. You will also find it easier to learn by reading materials out loud or by recording yourself and then listening to the recordings. You work best on a conversational basis, so you are talented at elaborating ideas verbally.

3. Kinesthetic learning style

If you like to put what you have learned into practice and you enjoy a physically active role, then you have a kinesthetic learning style. Kinesthetic learners are hands-on and they thrive when engaging all of their senses when learning. They tend to absorb, organize, and process information through touch and body movements, which is why they enjoy scientific experiments. This type of learners are very happy with practical activities and they often use body gestures when talking. It will be difficult for them to sit still for long periods of time.

As a kinesthetic learner, you need to learn through simulation or practice. You are not too easily distracted by a noisy environment, but you have to look for a large study area so that you can move freely. You have to try to simulate everything that you want to master and engage your body by imitating what is being learned. When studying, you should also use a lot of body cues and learning aids.

So, Quipperian, are you still not sure about your own learning style? Well, then, you must find out your learning style by taking the learning style test on the Quipper Campus website! It is very important for you to know what your learning style is, so that you can understand materials quickly and learn for exams more efficiently. Good luck!

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