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Learn form 2022 and Improve in 2023

problem solving skills

Quipperian, how was your 2022? What were the goals you have achieved and challenges you have faced this year? When any year comes to an end, it is time for us to reflect upon ourselves and ponder on what we have done for the past twelve months. A yearly review allows you to be with yourself and provides you with an opportunity to shape your upcoming journey in the new year. You would not want to repeat the same mistake in the future, would you?

You can start your reflection by writing out a list of your accomplishments. Take some time to acknowledge every single one of your achievements, no matter how big or small. Understanding the skills that you have utilized in achieving those things is crucial to project the next direction you are heading. Are there certain skills you seem to often use? Is there a pattern to the achievements that you are proud of? What has made you successful so far? Those are the questions that you can ask yourself to further improve in the coming year. Celebrating your accomplishments will help you stay energized and motivated.

However, you cannot forget about the challenges that you faced as well. Before we start a new chapter and make a fresh start in the new year, we have to contemplate what we can do better in 2023. We can do so by looking upon the problems that we had in the past year and how we reacted to them. It is okay if you feel bad when encountering problems because challenges are inevitable in life. Don’t worry if you failed to achieve your goals this year! We all cannot always get what we want. What does not go according to plan will train you to be stronger and wiser in dealing with various life situations. Regardless of your struggles, the more you manage to solve a problem, the more courageous and confident you will be in taking the risks toward your future success.

Problem-solving itself is at the core of human life because what we do every single day depends on our decision when facing daily challenges. In the fast-paced world we live in right now, it seems as if there is never enough time to solve one problem without dealing with facing another trouble along the way. There are several aspects that you need to master to successfully solve your problems, namely understanding what is happening in our environment, identifying the things we want to change, and then figuring out what needs to be done to create the desired outcomes. The taller the tree, the stronger the wind will hit. The more you want success, the bigger the challenges you face. This is why you need to learn to understand your ability in problem-solving and how you can improve it. Let’s identify the different levels of problem-solving skills as well as the characteristics and how you can upgrade yourself in each of the levels.

1. Excellent Level

People with an excellent level of problem-solving skill see problems as an interesting challenge to solve and they know how to manage them properly. You must have this level of skill when you have a good awareness in anticipating problems and if you can develop several alternative solutions to resolve one particular problem. You are also able to do an evaluation to find out whether the solution that you implemented has solved the problem or not.

To maintain your excellent skill, you can conduct analysis related to the factors that cause problems, such as by conducting a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis. Utilizing this type of analysis will enable you to compile a map of strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats for the situation that you are facing. You should also continue to challenge yourself by applying solutions that are different from what you have done to overcome challenges.

2. High Level

When you have a high level of problem-solving skills, you are capable of identifying problems that arise based on your understanding of the situations and you can immediately respond accordingly. You are adept at doing an analysis to comprehend the causes of the problems and determine the possible solutions. In determining the solutions, you implement a priority scale to decide on the most appropriate solutions for the problem.

To further improve your skill, you can break down complex problems into simpler, more manageable parts to have a clearer picture of how to deal with them. Furthermore, when implementing the solutions, you need to make a clear target and a comprehensive timetable. Know that there is an opportunity to learn in every problem that you face. You can develop anticipatory steps to ensure that the same trouble does not occur in the future.

3. Moderate Level

People who have moderate problem-solving skills are able to understand the existing situations and feel any problems that may arise, even though they do not consistently base their analysis on data. If you find yourself with a moderate level of skill, you are quite capable of identifying the factors that cause problems, but sometimes it is difficult to make a priority scale to be addressed. In addition, you need inputs and suggestions from other people when developing alternative solutions.

To upgrade your skill, you have to use your maximum potential to find alternative solutions instead of just fixating on just one solution. That way, you can have a backup plan without having to think twice. You also have to determine the priority on which solutions you can implement first. Consider which solution you can implement most easily while still having the possibility of success. Also, please do not hesitate to ask for feedback from other parties when it comes to your efforts in solving a problem.

4. Low Level

If you find yourself with a low level of problem-solving skill, you need to develop a sense of sensitivity to problems that may arise, so that you can anticipate them properly. You need to find the root causes of a problem as the main focus to be addressed. In addition, your creative mind needs more practice in order to come up with alternative solutions. You also need quite a lot of time to determine which solution to choose because, at times, you do not fully understand how to implement it in the first place.

You must improve your skill by sharpening your sensitivity to problems. Stay focused on the problems that arise and do not delay giving solutions to them. After identifying the problems, make sure you understand the root causes of the problems, so that you are not mistaken when choosing the solutions. Stay calm when encountering problems and focus by solving them one by one starting from the most important. Moreover, do not forget that it is important to evaluate the efforts to implement the solution.

Do you want to challenge yourself by finding your own level of problem-solving skill? You can identify your ability by taking the Problem-Solving Skill Test at Quipper Campus. Discover how to understand your abilities and how you can develop them so that you will become a better problem solver in the future who is ready to face the various challenges towards success.

Author: Fadhil Ramadhani
Editor: Tubagus Muhammad Septian Putra

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