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Tak Usah Galau, Ini Dia Ragam Cara Hadapi Soal HOTS Bahasa Inggris!

Hai, Quipperian! Bagaimana belajar kalian di awal tahun 2019 ini? Sudah siap menyongsong ujian? Pastinya, dong! Nah terkait hal tersebut, Quipper Blog edisi kali akan berbagi ragam cara hadapi soal HOTS Bahasa Inggris. Pasti kamu selama ini kesulitan kan mencari contoh soal HOTS Bahasa Inggris di dunia maya maupun dunia percetakan? Makanya, pantengin terus Quipper Blog.

Nah, ada beberapa jenis soal HOTS Bahasa Inggris, seperti telaah/pemahaman teks narasi deskriptif, telaah/pemahaman teks feature, telaah/pemahaman percakapan, dan menulis. Pada edisi kali ini, Quipper Blog akan berbagi mengenai jenis soal HOTS telaah/pemahaman teks narasi deskriptif dan cara menghadapinya. Telaah/pemahaman teks narasi deskriptif mengharuskan peserta ujian menjawab soal yang bersumber dari teks tentang detail-detail fisik (deskripsi) dari suatu hal atau kejadian.  Tanpa menunggu lebih lama, mari kita mulai memahami soal HOTS ini!

Contoh Teks dan Soal

Berikut ragam cuplikan teks-teks narasi deskriptif yang lazim ditemui di dalam ujian.

  1. Across the street was the repaired Intourist Hotel where we were to stay. We were given two large rooms. Our windows looked out on acres of rubble, broken brick and concrete and pulverized plaster, and in the wreckage the strange dark weeds that always seem to grow in destroyed places. During the time we were in Stalingrad we grew more and more fascinated with this expanse of ruin, for it was not deserted. Underneath the rubble were cellars and holes, and in these holes many people lived. Stalingrad was a large city, and it had had apartment houses and many flats, and now has none except the new ones on the outskirts, and its population has to live some place. It lives in the cellars of the buildings where the apartments once were. We would watch out of the windows of our room, and from behind a slightly larger pile of rubble would suddenly appear a girl, going to work in the morning, putting the last little touches to her hair with a comb. She would be dressed neatly, in clean clothes, and she would swing out through the weeds on her way to work. How they could do it we have no idea. How they could live underground and still keep clean, and proud, and feminine. Housewives came out of other holes and went away to market, their heads covered with white head cloths, and market baskets on their arms. It was a strange and heroic travesty on modern living.
  2. Mid-April in Pennsylvania, USA, and spring is in full swing. Birds are singing and daffodils celebrate in rampant profusion outside the front door of the white clapboard farmhouse. I gaze from the childhood bedroom window of the late Rachel Carson, the mother of the modern environmental movement, and look across the Allegheny valley where she grew up. I picture the young girl being inspired by the natural world around her: picking fruit from apple orchards, wandering nearby woods and hillsides, making countless discoveries as she went. Peering out into the morning light, I see two enormous chimney stacks belching smoke into the blue sky. Carson grew up in a world where industry and countryside existed side by side. But during her lifetime lines became blurred and industrial methods found their way into farming, with devastating consequences.
  3. On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, an Air Force reconnaissance plane detected signs of a disturbance over the Bahamas. There were “several small vortices,” it reported, spirals of wind rotating in a counter-clockwise motion from east to west—away from the expanse of the Atlantic and toward the United States. This disruption in wind patterns was hard to detect from clouds or from satellite data, but cargo ships were beginning to recognize it. The National Hurricane Center thought there was enough evidence to characterize the disturbance as a tropical cyclone, labelling it Tropical Depression Twelve. It was a “tricky” storm that might develop into something more serious or might just as easily dissipate; about half of all tropical depressions in the Atlantic Basin eventually become hurricanes.

Pertanyaan terhadap teks di atas selalu berwujud dua jenis yaitu:

  1. Peserta ujian diminta menjelaskan teknik, pendekatan, dan sudut pandang yang digunakan oleh penulis teks.
  2. Peserta ujian diminta menuliskan kembali pengalaman-pengalaman di dalam tersebut melalui perspektif sendiri dengan penulis seolah-olah menjadi seorang pelaku di dalam teks. Misalkan untuk teks 1 peserta ujian diminta membayangkan diri menjadi penduduk lokal, untuk teks 2 peserta ujian diminta membayangkan diri menjadi petani lokal, dan untuk teks 3 peserta ujian diminta membayangkan diri menjadi penyintas badai tornado.

Contoh Latihan dan Trik Menjawab

Berdasarkan tuntutan soal, maka berikut latihan-latihan yang teman dapat lakukan untuk menyiapkan diri menghadapi soal HOTS telaah/pemahaman teks narasi deskriptif:

  1. Banyak bermain flash card atau cerdas cermat dengan teman sekelas untuk menghafal ragam teknik, pendekatan, dan sudut pandang penulisan teks beserta definisinya. Latihan ini berfungsi melatih daya hafal atau memori dasar Quipperian. Nah, melakukan latihan ini bersama teman-teman di dalam grup kecil membuat kerja otak kita lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan kita menghafalkan sendiri. Menjawab soal jenis i di atas murni mengandalkan daya hafal atau memori dasar Quipperian.
  2. Biasakan dan disiplinkan diri menulis jurnal-jurnal sederhana yang berisi deskripsi fisik lingkungan sekitar. Latihan ini akan membantu kamu dalam meningkatkan keterampilan identifikasi ciri-ciri fisik (fisiologis) benda-benda atau kejadian sekitar. Bagaimana latihan ini membantu menjawab soal di atas? Kan saat mengerjakan soal kita tidak sedang observasi? Memang tidak, namun otak kita sudah memiliki perbendaharaan kata yang sangat kaya karena terbiasa dilatih. Nah, Quipperian dapat menggunakan perbendaharaan kata-kata tersebut sebagai sinonim saat harus menuliskan kembali teks menggunakan perspektif dan kata-kata sendiri. Jadi tidak semata-mata menyalin kata-kata dari teks asli.

Nah, bagaimana teman-teman Quipperian? Berguna kan tipsnya untuk menghadapi soal HOTS ujian Bahasa Inggris, terutama terkait telaah/pemahaman teks deskriptif? Nantikan tips Quipper Blog berikutnya, ya!

Penulis: Jan Wiguna

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